Breonna Taylor

In addition to George Floyd, you may have heard the name Breonna Taylor in connection with recent Black Lives Matter protests. Read the brief summary of her case in English and traditional Chinese below, courtesy of Send Chinatown Love:

Justice for Breonna Taylor | Traditional Chinese/English

請點擊此連結了解更多關於布倫娜·泰勒(Breonna Taylor)、連署請願以及個人捐款等相關事宜

今天(六月五日)是 Breonna Taylor 的二十七歲生日。她曾是位受褒揚的緊急醫務人員,更想當上護士。

Today (6/5) is Breonna Taylor’s 27th birthday. She was an award-winning EMT and had aspirations of becoming a nurse.

三月十三日,她與男朋友 Kenneth Walker 在家裡,突然聽到有人闖入。

On March 13, Breonna and her boyfriend, Kenneth, were in bed when they heard people entering their house.

一群便衣警察,也沒敲門,就破門而入。他們聲稱有搜索令,懷疑 Breonna 的家中藏著一名毒販 Jamarcus Glover 的毒品或現金。Glover 當時已早被警方逮補。

According to the search warrant, police believed a suspected drug dealer named Jamarcus Glover – who did not live with Breonna – was keeping drugs or money at her house. Glover was already in police custody at this time.

The police were not in uniform. According to Breonna’s boyfriend and neighbors, they did not knock. They simply forcibly entered Breonna’s house.

Breonna 的男朋友第一時間誤認便衣警察為入侵者,打 911 報警,並拿出槍射中一名警察的腿。他的槍是合法持有,當地的法律也允許個人向入侵者開槍。

Her boyfriend, thinking they were intruders, called 911 and pulled out a gun. He shot at one officer’s leg. Kenneth has a license to carry a gun and lives in a state where it is legal to shoot at intruders if they are breaking into your home.


Remember, the cops were not in uniform, and neighbors and Kenneth say that they did not announce themselves when entering.

警方的反應則是開槍 20 多發,射死 Breonna Taylor。子彈更波及隔壁的公寓,裡面住著一名孕婦與五歲小孩。

The officers responded by shooting more than 20 times, fatally striking Breonna. Bullets also flew into the adjacent home, where a pregnant woman and a five-year-old were sleeping. 

後來,警方指控男朋友 Walker 殺人未遂(最後並未起訴)。Breonna 的家裡則沒搜出任何毒品。到今天,沒有任何人為了 Breonna 的死而被起訴。Breonna 還活著的話,今天是 27 歲。

The police charged Walker with attempted murder (the charges were since dropped). No drugs were found in their house. As of today, no one has been charged with Breonna’s murder.

Click here to view Black Lives Matter vocabulary translated into Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Thai, Nepali, and Arabic.

And Spanish too!

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