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Idiom of the Week: Sell Like Hotcakes

Unhealthy Eating

Meaning: To sell very quickly or sell a lot of something.


Wow! Look at the line at the Apple Store – that new iPhone is selling like hotcakes.

My wife just started selling our old things on eBay, and they’re selling like hotcakes.

I should start selling umbrellas on rainy days. They always sell like hotcakes when it’s raining.


Pop Quiz:

If something is selling like hotcakes, it’s probably…

A.  very popular.

B.  very expensive.

C.  very healthy.

To see the correct answer, click on “Continue reading”:

The correct answer is A. If it’s very popular, you’re probably selling a lot of it. So all you have to do is figure out what’s going to sell like hotcakes, and you’ll get rich!

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